Call for Papers:
Workshop on Frontiers of Macro – Labour Economics
12-13 December, 2024

The Department of Economics at the Edinburgh Business School (Heriot-Watt University) is pleased to announce the Workshop on Frontiers of Macro-Labour Economics. This workshop will bring together leading and emerging scholars to discuss cutting-edge research on the interaction between macroeconomics and labour market dynamics. We encourage submissions encompassing both on theoretical and empirical developments. Keynote speakers:

Tito Boeri (Bocconi University)

Francis Kramarz (Collège de France and Uppsala University)

The workshop welcomes submissions on a broad range of topics related to recent advances bridging macroeconomics and labour economics, including (but not limited to):

  • Macroeconomic fluctuations and labour market outcomes (unemployment, wages, productivity and worker / job flows, job creation/destruction)
  • Labour market frictions and wage rigidities
  • Monetary/Fiscal policy and the labour market
  • Labour market institutions and macroeconomic outcomes
  • Search and matching and the business cycle    
  • Inequality and the distribution of labour market outcomes
  • Macroeconomic impact of demographic trends
  • The effect of technological change on the labour market
  • Migration and Inequality
  • Labour market responses to climate change and environmental policies

The workshop is planned as an in-person event held at Panmure House, the final remaining residence of Adam Smith in the city of Edinburgh.  The workshop will start Thursday afternoon, 12 December, and adjourn Friday afternoon 13 December.            

Paper Submissions:

  • Submit your paper (or extended abstract), in pdf format, by sending directly to the Workshop administrator, Karen Hiroz, at The pdf should be named as LastnameFirstname of the submitting author. For example, a paper submitted by Adam Smith would have filename SmithAdam.pdf.
  • There will be both regular and poster sessions, with leading scholars in both.

Important Dates:

Deadline for submissions31 August 2024 
Decision notifications16 September 2024

There is no fee to present a paper or participate in the workshop.

Please don’t hesitate to direct inquiries to the Workshop administrator, at

We are looking forward to your submission and welcoming you to Panmure House in December!

Local Organizers: Atanas Christev (Heriot-Watt University), Cristina Tealdi (Heriot-Watt University), Jonathan Thomas (University of Edinburgh).